Finally, thanks to the supporters of the society “Autism Support Centre in Rēzekne”, the members of our society will have access to sense of rhythm sessions according to the IN-TIME method widely used in the world, which is based on a child’s ability to hear and learn to repeat different types of sound and rhythm. It has been found that playing drums and trying to copy and repeat the teacher’s sounds and rhythm engages ALL the child’s brain areas because a very high level of concentration is required.
The IN-TIME method is just one of the methods used in St. Petersburg clinic “PrognozMed” which we would like to introduce here in Rēzekne.
Very soon our physiotherapist Aivars Kaupužs will be going to the clinic “PrognozMed” in St. Petersburg where he will take an intensive 2-week training course, which will allow this year already, beginning in December, undergoing a 10-day BAC (Bioacoustic correction) treatment course in Rēzekne.
The society “Autism Support Centre in Rēzekne” plans to continue sending our specialists to St. Petersburg clinic “PrognozMed” for training, thus learning other popular treatment methods and offering them here in Rēzekne.
I would like to thank the supporters of the society “Autism Support Centre in Rēzekne” again, who unfortunately again decided to stay anonymous, for their sympathy, understanding, and help in the implementation of our ideas.